Make History With Us
The AIAA History Committee fosters the preservation, documentation, and reporting of the history of aeronautical, astronautical, and hydronautical arts, sciences, and engineering, and their impact on society. It promotes aerospace history to both the public and industry, including the fostering of the preservation and documentation of the history of aerospace.
Publish Papers
Learn how to publish papers and gain experience as a Presenter and Author in the aerospace community. Check out our resources to help you successfully publish and present.
Join The Fun
If you find aerospace history fascinating or you are a subject matter expert interested in supporting history preservation and education, learn about what we do and how you can join us in our activities, as a Committee Member, Volunteer, or both!
Meet the Crew
The AIAA History Committee is made up of aerospace professionals, historians, educators, and subject matter experts. Committee Members are involved in AIAA History activities and other History Preservation & Education activities and research that can benefit the education and preservation of aerospace and aviation history.
Explore Aerospace History
Explore over 60 Historic Aerospace Sites (HAS) Program sites preserving and recognizing significant geographic locations, buildings, and facilities associated with accomplishments in aerospace history.

AIAA History
At midnight on 31 January 1963, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) officially began operating. Learn more about the forming, accomplishments, and timeline of AIAA.
Applying for Committee Membership
Nominations are accepted throughout the year, but the deadline for consideration is 31 October, with the new committee rosters announced the following Spring.